Wednesday, January 21, 2015

Max Out Sweat

Insanity Max Out Sweat
Oh my gosh. What a rough workout! Amazing, but hard!
I love how Shaun T has changed the whole aspect of the Insantiy workout. In the original Insanity he had almost every workout set for a 10 minute warm up followed by a 6 minute stretch, then 3 rounds with 3 exercises in each REPEATED 3 times each for a total of roughtly 40-45 minutes.
With Max Out Sweat he has you do a 5 minute warm up, 30 second break, 4 4 minute round repeating 3 moves 3 times. You can't tell, but I was completely drenched in sweat :)

Monday, January 19, 2015

Max out times for month 1!

I'm going to list all of my max out times for the first month of Insanity Max:30! This month has had its ups and downs but I am so glad I pushed through!
 Here are my 30 day results!
Week 1
1.Cardio Challenge- 3:01
2. Tabata Power- 3:26
3. Sweat Intervals- 5:37
4. Tabata Power- 3:40
5. Friday Fight Rd 1- 3:26
6. Pulse- 5:01
7. Rest
Week 2
8. Cardio Challenge- 8:30 Ab Attack- 2:40
9. Tabata Power- 12:09
10. Sweat Intervals- 11:06 Ab Attack- 3:46
11. Tabata Power- 16.19
12. Friday Fight Rd 1- 8:16
13. Pulse 5:11 Ab Attack 3:00
14. Rest
Week 3
15. Cardio Challenge- 6:20 Ab Attack- 4:00
16. Tabata Strength- 5:30
17. Sweat Intervals- 12:51 Ab Attack- 3:00
18. Tabata Strength- 6:30
19. Friday Fight Rd 1- 8:30
20: Pulse 5:45 Ab Attack- 3:30
21. Rest
Week 4 
22. Cardio Challenge- 8:30 Ab Attack- 1:30
23. Tabata Strength- 7:10
24. Sweat Intervals- 7:01 Ab Attack- 2:00
25. Tabata Strength- 14:50
26. Friday Fight Rd 1- 8:45
27. Pulse- 7:50 Ab Attack- 3:45

Monday, January 12, 2015

Weeks 1-2 Insanity Max:30

I got my package for Insanity Max:30 in the mail on December 12th. I was so incredibly excited to get started!
Day 1 of Max 30: Cardio Challenge. This was so incredibly challenging. This is the "fit test" of the DVD.
You have 4 rounds with 3 different exercises in each that you repeat 3 times. The rounds last for roughly 5 minutes each. They get progressively harder the farther into the workout you get. By the end you will be dripping in sweat!
Day 2 of Max 30: Tabata Power. This is by far my favorite workout of Month 1.
For this workout you will be doing 20 seconds on and 10 seconds off for 30 minutes. I can't remember how many rounds are in this workout but it is so fun (and by fun I mean HARD) that you forget!
Day 3 of Max 30: Sweat Intervals. I thought Cardio Challenge was hard, but Sweat Intervals is even worse!
This workout has the same layout in terms of rounds and repetitions but at the end there is a challenge. Shaun T has you do one workout for 30 seconds from EACH round - this had me DYING the first time I did Sweat Intervals.
Day 4 of Max 30: Tabata Power.
The same as day 2.
This workout gets switched to TABATA STRENGTH in week 3.
Day 5 of Max 30: Friday Fight RD 1. My least favorite.
Shaun T describes this as a fight between your body and your mind and boy is he right! This is by far the hardest workout for month 1 in my opinion because of the mind/body fight. Get ready to really push on this one.
Day 6 of Max 30: Pulse
This is the recovery workout of Max 30. You will max out, but it won't be nearly as challenging as the rest of the workout DVDs. It is easier than Insanity: Cardio Recovery and comes in at only 20 minutes. You feel refreshed and relieved afterwards.
Day 7 is a rest day.

If you are interested in starting this workout email me at: